We’ve seen a variant of this issue in US/Canada, with the large Canadian Banks generally having IRB approval at the Group level (including for their main US loan books) and their US subsidiaries being on standardized
In this case, there is no incentive for the US entity to seek IRB approval - but US regulators do care about the risk rating systems from a bank supervision perspective, which has raised some of the same questions about whether group models are suitable. Those banks have generally taken a view aligned to a previous poster, i.e., using local models for middle market and below, and trying to align to group models for larger companies and FI's
On the last point, I'll say that we've seen US regulators challenge the support for those decisions heavily, but at least in some cases it seems to have stood up to that challenge. In one case where the bank's prior analysis and documentation didn't provide great support, they are being pushed to redevelop those as well, though they are trying to do so in a way that they can ultimately extend back to group as well, for a C&I model that was getting a bit long in the tooth anyway