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Climate and ESG Risk

Channel dedicated to discussion on the supervisory and societal expectations driving banks to meet their sustainability goals, by embedding ESG criteria into enterprise risk management frameworks to address climate-related and social risks, as well as financial institution's climate risk stress testing capabilities, and disclosure requirements

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  • Overrides for climate risks

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    2 Posts


    In my experience, it typically depends on the bank's approach to the override:

    Pre-calibration would typically be included if they are trying to include is as an statistical predictor of risk: i.e. you have some historical information that help you calibrate the specific weight and you only include the override if it increases the predictive ability of the model

    Post-calibration if they want it to be a “penalization” mechanism for management (however this will not be fully compliant with EBA calibration guidelines for the use of overrides in IRB models)

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    I have seen the following:

    Percentage of the Business/Institutional portfolio in high transition risk sectors Proportion of the mortgage portfolio exposed to high physical risks (by 2050 under a 4-degree warming scenario is one specific example). Believe this is based on property level assessment and then some % increase in PD. Some reputational ones around ESG scores

    However, I don’t believe anyone would set the thresholds at a level that would likely be binding. So skeptically, I think this is just for reporting and transparency at the moment – which is probably right given the limitations of climate risk modeling

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